
The up and coming BOW label is a Stockholm based jewelry brand. Through a mix of minimalistic but eye-catching pieces, the brand offers a modern and personal style.
Sofie Antonsson and Josefin Bakos De Geer are the two designers behind the brand. Growing up in Stockholm during the 90's they shared a love for contemporary culture, music and littrature.
The name BOW has many meanings; such as the pretty little knot, the respectful gesture and the historic changing weapon - but the main inspiration behind the name is Clara Bow, a feminist girl of the twenties and a famous flapper. They have been written about in Style By magazine, ELLE magazine.
The name BOW has many meanings; such as the pretty little knot, the respectful gesture and the historic changing weapon - but the main inspiration behind the name is Clara Bow, a feminist girl of the twenties and a famous flapper. They have been written about in Style By magazine, ELLE magazine.
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